Query handling in RoboKudo

In the previous tutorials, we have used RoboKudo to continously analyze the incoming sensor data and visualize the results. When integrating the system with a robot, often you are triggering the perception process during specific times in your high-level program when needed. And additionally, you might supply additional information what to look for, like for example ‘a red cup on a table’.

This is why RoboKudo offers a Query Interface, which allows you to formulate such queries to state the required perception task(like the ‘red cup on table’ in the example above). In this tutorial, we will look at the central components to work with this interface.

General idea

To handle queries, you need the following three key components:

  1. Query retrieval in the pipeline: Receive the query, annotate it into the CAS and trigger the pipeline execution.

  2. Interpret the query in your Annotators: Make your Annotators react to the query that is currently being processed.

  3. Generate a query answer / result: Generate the result that should be send back to the caller.

Query retrieval in the pipeline

In order to make RoboKudo offer the QueryInterface, please add robokudo.annotators.query.QueryAnnotator(), into your pipeline right after the robokudo.idioms.pipeline_init(), Behavior. The QueryAnnotator will launch a ROS Action Server that is offering an Action of Type ‘robokudo_msgs/Query’. The main datastructure in this Action is a robokudo_msgs/ObjectDesignator. It features typical object-centric attributes that the robot can fill out to formulate how the object to be detected should look like or where it has to be located.

When the QueryAnnotator is visited in the Behavior Tree traversal, it will check if a new Query has been received. If no new Query is received, the Annotator will return Running. Otherwise, it will annotate the Query into the CAS and return Success to allow the Behavior Tree to proceed to the actual perception pipeline to analyze the sensor data.

Interpret the query in your Annotators

After receiving the query, you will want to inspect the Query in your Annotators to check for the requested attributes. Access to it is provided by a predefined view in the CAS. The following code shows an example how to access it and react to it:

self.query = self.get_cas().get(CASViews.QUERY)
if self.obj.type == 'Cup'
  # Load model for cup detection

Generate a query answer / result

At the end, you want to send back a result for the received query. This is done by placing your query answer onto the Blackboard of the Behavior Tree. The ActionServer in the QueryAnnotator will then pick up that answer and send the result to the caller of the Query. In the following, you can see an example taken from an Annotator:

.... your imports ...
from robokudo.identifier import BBIdentifier
import robokudo_msgs.msg

# The result of a Query is typically a list of ObjectDesignator instances
query_result = robokudo_msgs.msg.QueryResult()

object_designator = robokudo_msgs.msg.ObjectDesignator()
object_designator.type = 'Cup'

blackboard = py_trees.Blackboard()
blackboard.set(BBIdentifier.QUERY_ANSWER, query_result)
# Clear the query after we've answered it to indicate the the query is processed
self.get_cas().set(CASViews.QUERY, None)

Typically, such an Annotator would be at the end of the pipeline in your Analysis Engine, to conclude the perception pipeline and generate the final result based on the partial results in the CAS.

Sending a query to RoboKudo

After starting RoboKudo with a QueryAnnotator in your analysis engine, you will get a new ROS action server at /robokudo/query. You can either write an action client to send a request to this action server or use the axclient.py ROS node from the actionlib_tools package for a graphical user interface. In ROS Noetic, you can install ros-noetic-actionlib-tools to get it.


There is a tutorial on axclient.py usage here. Please note though, that the axclient.py node is now in the actionlib_tools package. This is currently wrong in the linked tutorial. The call should look like this: rosrun actionlib_tools axclient.py /robokudo/query

Indicating a failure

If one of your Annotators encounters an error and you are not able to generate a valuable answer after the perception process, you can send back a failure to the action caller. This can also include an error message to provide more details on the actual cause of the failure.

We need two components for this: A decorator on the individual Annotator that should be able to return an error and an exception for the actual failure.

Many built-in Annotators of RoboKudo already have this Decorator. If you are creating your own Annotator, make sure that its update method is annotated with the @robokudo.utils.error_handling.catch_and_raise_to_blackboard decorator.


When your Annotator is extending/inheriting from the ThreadedAnnotator class, annotate the decorator on your compute() method instead.

After adding the decorator, you can simply indicate a failure by raising an exception. The text of the exception will be fed back to the caller of the action.

Below, you can find a minimal example:

import robokudo.utils.error_handling

def update(self):
    self.color = self.get_cas().get(CASViews.COLOR_IMAGE)
    if self.color is None:
      raise Exception("No Color image available")

Sending feedback during running perception queries

It is also possible to provide (ROS Action) feedback during the analysis of a query. You can simply add your feedback after getting the corresponding queue from the Blackboard:

feedback_queue: queue.Queue = blackboard.get(BBIdentifier.QUERY_FEEDBACK)
feedback_queue.put(f"I'm still computing...")